Class Structure

These blocks of exercises are grouped under the following headings:

Foundation work


Spinal articulation


Lateral flexion and rotation

Back extension

There are ten core principles of BASI Pilates:

Awareness: Being mindfully present.

Balance: Striving to achieve balance between strength and flexibility

Breathing: Utilising your breathing correctly helps gain a deeper application of each individual exercise.

Centre: Each individual's centre of gravity differs. It depends on how the person is built. Whether they have longer legs, are shorter backed, are top heavy, or bottom heavy etc. This can have an impact on how a person executes an exercise. Centre also relates to the core.

Concentration: Important to think through each stage of the exercise from the set up, to execution, to completion.

Control: As a person gets more familiar with an exercise, control should develop. This helps refine the exercise. Increased flexibility and strength are developed.

Efficiency: Distributing energy in a balanced way so all relevant muscles are engaged.

Flow: Smooth continuity of movement - keeps energy flowing through the session.

Precision: Very important. Correct alignment and understanding the goals of the exercise. Precision aids application of the correct deep stabilising muscles.

Harmony: Complete accomplishment of all the above principles. What you are aiming for!